Sunday, November 02, 2008

I am speaking in my head in Spanish

I have taken to talking to myself in Spanish. I hope it helps - although... first sign of madness and all that! Surely talking to yourself in an inadequate second language is a fair way down the trail!

Since my Spanish is not very good - I then (also in my head) back translate to find out exactly how stupid I sound. This definitely doesn't help.

Estoy hablando en mi cabeza en Español. Espero que esto ayude – aunque... el primero signo de locura y todo esto! Seguramente para hablar conmigo en mi inadecuada idioma segunda es una buena empieza!

Desde mi español es no muy bien – entonces (tambien en mi cabeza) atras traduzco para descubrir exactamente como estupido yo sueno. Este definitivamente no ayude.

I am speaking in my head in Spanish. I hope that this helps – although... the first sign of madness and all this! Surely to speak with me in my inadequate language second is one good beginning!

Since my Spanish it is not very well – I then (also in my head) behind translate to discover exactly as idiot I sound. This one definitively does not help.

ps. If you enjoy this blog, please look underneath the 'About Me' section on your right - you will notice a new gizmo called 'My Readers'. Please become a Follower! It will make me feel cool, special and beloved (and no, I'm not even going to attempt that in Spanish!)


  1. Hola Jane,tu español está bueno, y es buena idea pensar en español solamente.

    No puedo creer que estás aquí en México! Que bueno!!!
